
#1 06 May, 2016 09:03:32


Hi all,

I just dicovered amilova a few days ago by reading the french translation of Remind…  Congratulations to all for this great website and this community;)

Comics and manga reader for a long time, I am an illustrator and I start doing comics (or should I say graphic novels ?) since last year ...
You can discover my portfolio here: http://nylnook.com/en/illustration/

la dernière illustration publiée pour vous donner une idée :
Rêve radical

I also self-published a first small 8-page comic this fall, free license and free price to discover here:
Climate Change Explained to Frogs...

I'm also starting a longer project (the script is ready, I'm working on the storyboard) that I plan to publish by episodes ... here's the pitch:

"And if the inhabitants of tomorrow sent us letters?
From 2054 to 2084, from Iceland to Afghanistan, from cataclysms to utopias, five stories draw our possible futures during the "Mokatori", the word for climate change among Amazonian Indians
Ep. 0 - "The end" - Mexico City, Mexico, November 27, 2015
Ep. 1 - "Business as usual" - Reykjavik, Iceland, March 20, 2054
Ep. 2 - "Time Machine" - Taipei, 臺北市, Taiwan, November 13, 2084
Ep. 3 - "In the shade of fig trees" - Farsala, Φάρσαλα, Greece, July 17, 2077
Ep. 4 - "Masters of the stratosphere" - Walvis Bay, Namibia, February 29, 2060
Ep. 5 - "Living" - Kunduz, کندز, Afghanistan, April 3, 2072"

I hope you enjoy it, happy to have found this site anyway;)

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