Herroh herroh ladies and gentlemens. I am now the english translator of lost fruty
I have one simple question before I go on, I started translating but when I came back to see if it was ok I saw the text was still in french and in the dark panel we couldn't see the text. I tried to make the font white and kept doing it in english so now I'm confused and woundering if it's only me who see's it like that. If you see it in french too tell me and I will try to figure this out.
And for when the comic will be all translated feel free to tell me if I do some errors, the error is human ya know
I wish you lots of fun in reading the comic ^^
Que serait ce monde si on était tous pareil? Vive la différence
Dans l'art il n'y a pas de nul, chacun a son style qui évolue
I have one simple question before I go on, I started translating but when I came back to see if it was ok I saw the text was still in french and in the dark panel we couldn't see the text. I tried to make the font white and kept doing it in english so now I'm confused and woundering if it's only me who see's it like that. If you see it in french too tell me and I will try to figure this out.
The problem is that have been entered in the system English AND french text. So the system couldn't correctly choose which text to display. We're working on improving that, as you can see your first page is now fixed .
Thanks for your precious work on this translation !!!
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