
#1 03 Jul, 2011 16:56:31


Herroh herroh y'all big_smile, sup?

Well you guys want a presentation? Well here you go. I already did my presentation in french, now its in english big_smile. My name is Frederique (yes I'm a girl and yes Frederique can be a girl name, check on google if you don't believe me). I'm 16 years old so I still go to school and I come from the province of Quebec in Canada, where I freeze my butt in winter time while waiting for my school bus at -45, totally normal big_smile, ok maybe I'm exagerating but yeh, how I love winter XD

I love drawing, one day I want to become an infographe in animations too so I love animating :3. My deviantart is angelgirlproduction.deviantart.com. I mostly draw humans, canines and dragons but I really am a fantasy fan, especially edieval other then that I love about any kind of stories  (exept horror, doesnt interest me much) I am also making myself a comic called elemental warriors, the graphic still needs some work to be able to be a good quality comic and I need to practice my backgrounds but yeh.

Any questions? Ask it here big_smile

Que serait ce monde si on était tous pareil? Vive la différence big_smile
Dans l'art il n'y a pas de nul, chacun a son style qui évolue

#2 04 Jul, 2011 03:59:05

Diogenes Mota

You are welcome.


1) What else do you do besides being a student?
2) What about your dreams?
3) What do you do to overcome your fears? Are there moments you are afraid of living? If yes, which one(s)?

More question will be asked after the ones above being answered.

#3 05 Jul, 2011 19:01:53


1) I draw and I sometimes read books and talk with friends
2) I want to become an infographe in 2D-3D animations
3) Spiders and to be honest... I never went throught my fear... XD and I also fear what others think of me, alot had made fun of me especially in secondary 1 to 3, this year thought it had been better but I fear what peoples think of me, so to go near someone either he goes near me or a friend makes me go near him or else I will never go near

編集者 AngelGirl (05 Jul, 2011 19:04:52)

Que serait ce monde si on était tous pareil? Vive la différence big_smile
Dans l'art il n'y a pas de nul, chacun a son style qui évolue

#4 30 Aug, 2011 07:04:36


Here, but not here often enough AngelGirl... come baaaack smile.

#5 31 Aug, 2011 17:01:04


i don´t love winter... but i hate summer.. so... I love my studio because it´s always at the same temperature xD.

1) it´s nice to read books.. is something I should do too... friends.. well i don´t have too much friends.. bu here you can meet  a lot tongue

2) infographie in 3d?... I made a shortfilm in 3d of 9 minutes... but i don´t know what you mean with inphographie xD

3) I love spiders.. because they kill mosquitous!!! xDD

if you want.. just a little advice.. try to make a comic of 7 pages... and black and white one... just to try... and you will discover a lot of your mistakes... and it will be nice to read wink...

BTW you could upload a photo of you too tongue  if possible ... not dressed in Eskimo .. I already know it's cold in canada but ... xD

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#6 01 Sep, 2011 19:13:36

Sool さんの発言:

Here, but not here often enough AngelGirl... come baaaack :).

I do come oftenly but I simply forget to go check the english forum XD I'm more oftenly in the french one

johandarkl さんの発言:

if possible ... not dressed in Eskimo .. I already know it's cold in canada but ... xD

Which province do you think I'm in? Nunavut? XD and I already posted one in the french forum, I guesse I'll send it here too


編集者 AngelGirl (01 Sep, 2011 22:43:04)

Que serait ce monde si on était tous pareil? Vive la différence big_smile
Dans l'art il n'y a pas de nul, chacun a son style qui évolue

#7 02 Sep, 2011 07:09:06

AngelGirl さんの発言:
Sool さんの発言:

Here, but not here often enough AngelGirl... come baaaack smile.

I do come oftenly but I simply forget to go check the english forum XD I'm more oftenly in the french one

johandarkl さんの発言:

if possible ... not dressed in Eskimo .. I already know it's cold in canada but ... xD

Which province do you think I'm in? Nunavut? XD and I already posted one in the french forum, I guesse I'll send it here too

http://i480.photobucket.com/albums/rr16 … urr010.jpg

Yay piiictures smile !!!!

Thanks for this kind and cool presentation AngelGirl !!!

By the way, you should present your super translation skills on the "offer translation" section I created yesterday wink !!!

Again, welcome on this side AngelGirl, you're going to be super precious to the english speaking community wink !

Troy smile !

♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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