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#1 12 Jul, 2011 12:49:30


Sorry, I'm not doing things in the right order. I should have introduce myself and then say something about TBBT.


I'm French & Danish and grew up in a very international community that's why I'm not so bad in English.
I have a diploma in English and Tourism sales and I'm currently enjoying my holidays and thinking of looking for a job (just thinking because looking is no fun sad)

I love comics, manga and all kind of books. When I'm motivated and in the mood I can spend days writing and drawing, but it hasn't happened in a long time smile

(And no, I don't remember how to write or speak Danish... it's been a very long time since I've spoken the language)

#2 12 Jul, 2011 15:02:18


Welcome to Amilova Skinny!

It's always a pleasure to have a new member joining our friendly community.

Maybe you could help us with the English translations while enjoying your holidays wink This would be really great for Amilova!

#3 12 Jul, 2011 21:51:44


I would love to help Amilova anyway I can smile

#4 08 Aug, 2011 21:54:56


I wish you a big welcome to Amilova smile I hope you enjoy your stay tongue

Damn theres not enough peoples commenting in the english section, we get lets of views but no comments :<

Anyways I'm getting offtopic, have fun here tongue

Que serait ce monde si on était tous pareil? Vive la différence big_smile
Dans l'art il n'y a pas de nul, chacun a son style qui évolue

#5 13 Aug, 2011 08:03:18


Maybe people are not confident enough to comment and write a little something in English...

But I agree, there're so few comments in here, they should at least give it a try ! tongue

#6 29 Aug, 2011 16:13:19


Hey welcome Skinny, how could I miss your presentation here smile.

Skinny さんの発言:

I would love to help Amilova anyway I can smile

Well, add a little Avatar and anytime you can help with some french to english translations, that would be great !!!

Unfortunately, a lot of the people enjoy reading... but leaving a comment is already too much of a pain, so I guess that helping translations is far too much to ask for most of the people smile.

But well, I know Skinny that you perfectly know what I'm talking about wink !!!

Again, welcome here wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#7 01 Sep, 2011 16:51:52


GRBLM, I've been trying to upload an avatar for the last 2 hours, and didn't have much luck!
How the hell does that work ?! >_<

Fine, I'll be stuck with that ugly white facebooky-thingy tongue

Troy >> Always available for translation and help (even if I'm a bit slow from time to time wink)

編集者 Skinny (01 Sep, 2011 16:55:05)

#8 02 Sep, 2011 07:03:05

Skinny さんの発言:

GRBLM, I've been trying to upload an avatar for the last 2 hours, and didn't have much luck!
How the hell does that work ?! >_<
You click on "upload" and follow instruction... you can see that nearly everyone has an avatar... I'm sure you can do it too wink.

Skinny さんの発言:

Troy >> Always available for translation and help (even if I'm a bit slow from time to time wink)

As soon as you can help that will be awesome wink !!! There's a section on the message board where you can present your skills so authors can contact you wink !!!

It's here in "offer translation"

Or on the french side of the board !!

Voilà welcome again Skinny wink !!!


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#9 02 Sep, 2011 15:00:57


Ok... I finally have an avatar... ! The first one I uploaded wasn't working via the website link... I couldn't crop anything out of it.
Now it's alright.

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