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#1 22 Sep, 2011 17:16:24


Hi there,I'm new here,and I'm contactin you cause I have a lot of fantasy but not the same talent in drawing.If someone want to draw a commedy,or a Dragonball FanManga,or a Death Note fanmanga,please contact me.

#2 22 Sep, 2011 19:05:59


You should explain better yourself... and show something about what you want... with that is hard that somebody could be interested. wink Try to sell you better.

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#3 22 Sep, 2011 19:19:42

Giacomo Sommo Pastore Piancatelli

[I'm still Giacomanzo=)] to explain...i'm not a great drawer,but i'm quite good in inventing stories.I have three different stories in my mind,if someone want to help me to put them on paper,i would be really happy.

編集者 Giacomo Sommo Pastore Piancatelli (22 Sep, 2011 19:20:53)

#4 23 Sep, 2011 07:16:19

Giacomo Sommo Pastore Piancatelli さんの発言:

[I'm still Giacomanzo=)] to explain...i'm not a great drawer,but i'm quite good in inventing stories.I have three different stories in my mind,if someone want to help me to put them on paper,i would be really happy.

I've read on the french section they are writing their fan-fictions on the message board.

Maybe you can ask for this kind of section here on the english board, so you can express you creativity ?

#5 09 Oct, 2011 13:20:41


If you want such a section, just ask wink Just confirm me that you want it and I'll do what I can.

I'm late sorry, but welcome smile

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