
#1 27 Sep, 2011 18:55:09

Robot Panda

Hello, ladies (and gentlemen but not)

Look at your man, now back to me, now back at... damn memes. Oldspice Guy still manages to be awesome though.

I am Robot Panda. And this is my thread, and the thread IS NOW DIAMONDS. DAMN! >_<

I am working here at Amilova as colorist mainly, my job is making Hemispheres as awesome as it can be, doing only the colors of it, and I am doing the majority of graphics and all the pixel art in the game.

What I love about all the things I do here is definitely the freedom I am given. It is basically I do things pretty much the way I think they should be done and most of the time it is alright. Which is awesome. It is really awesome to come here almost everyday at the office and work towards a goal, whether it be coloring pages, doing pixel art, or just working towards making the whole site more epic, it is just awesome working this job.

If you ask, yes that is me on the my avatar, I look exactly like that in real life except it is not true.


Pandass <33

#2 28 Sep, 2011 08:09:59


PANDAAAAAA~ big_smile YOU'RE ON A HORSE !!!! tongue Nice to see your presentation here tongue
I know that awesome guy that tries to look creepy from another art site that used to exist back in the days and i can tell ya this guy ROX ! LOOK AT HIM~ LOOK AT UR MAN ~ LOOK AT HIM AGAIN~ HE IS ON A ..PANDA ? no HORSE! big_smile funny commercial that is! tongue  So he rox with the tablet, he rox with the games~ what more do ya want big_smile

#3 28 Sep, 2011 13:10:56


great creepy panda girl!

#4 29 Sep, 2011 11:26:33

Toh さんの発言:

LOOK AT HIM AGAIN~ HE IS ON A ..PANDA ? no HORSE! big_smile funny commercial that is! tongue

That's a crazy advert yes xD !

Nice presentation Panda, keep on rockin' wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#5 09 Oct, 2011 13:30:52


Nice drawing yikes You sure you don't want to create your own comic x)

On est sur un forum, pas sur votre portable! Votre clavier possède plus de 100 touches!

Language SMS interdit!

#6 10 Oct, 2011 16:11:26


You are a monster!! Just great... amazing... I have no words. Just Keep Doing! tongue

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#7 11 Oct, 2011 06:25:39

Robot Panda
]o.OshadowO.o[ さんの発言:

Nice drawing yikes You sure you don't want to create your own comic x)

Actually it is in the works.  It's not going to be part of the competition, since there's no way I can keep a deadline right now, but it is coming. It will have everything - mafia, chicks, guns, drugs, violence, everything!

#8 11 Oct, 2011 14:55:57


Nice, just tell me when you'll publish it! big_smile

On est sur un forum, pas sur votre portable! Votre clavier possède plus de 100 touches!

Language SMS interdit!

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