
#1 01 Oct, 2011 17:48:06


Hi everyone smile

Thanks everybody for their warm welcome. Special thanks to the Amilova team, whose kindness and encouragements have helped me get started with my graphic novel.

I have a lot of room for improvement, especially in the drawing area, so don't hesitate to give me some feedback, I am an eager learner, who wishes to learn not to repeat her mistakes.

Here is the link towards my comics, should you wish to read it :

And here the link to the illustrations and the teaser :

編集者 Esteryn (09 Oct, 2011 11:52:43)

--- Vous aimez le mystère ? Vous apprécierez peut-être la BD Traces. ---
°°° Ou les contes "à la Fontaine" ? Essayez celui de La Grenouille. °°°

#2 09 Oct, 2011 13:40:11


Nice to see you there ^^

Hopes you'll get some feedback

On est sur un forum, pas sur votre portable! Votre clavier possède plus de 100 touches!

Language SMS interdit!

#3 09 Oct, 2011 15:20:15


Thank you smile

Well, only one reply in the English part (forum and comics included) ^.^' but nevermind (and it was a nice one so it's encouraging anyway) ^.^ and i've gotten some feedback from the French part.

--- Vous aimez le mystère ? Vous apprécierez peut-être la BD Traces. ---
°°° Ou les contes "à la Fontaine" ? Essayez celui de La Grenouille. °°°

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