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#1 13 Oct, 2011 15:28:11


Hello people from amilova, my name is DMAD and I'm the creator of "Red Rainbow", I'm 19 years old, I just love mangá, thats why I'm here!!(xD) Any question, any funny spam just contact me, for now read my mangá, vote!! And tell what's wrong with it, what you think it could be better, help me translate to every language you know!!! big_smile

here my mangá "Red Rainbow" … age-1.html


here's a little description of the book

This is a story of a post war city, where the remaining cultures joined forces to
bring life back to the planet, to bring back their old lives. But it doesnt matter
how much the world has changed and it doesnt matter how different people may look,
people never change..they are always people..This is the story of a boy,
Anthony Totaro and his stuggle in 9A city as he doesn't seem to make the right friends

oh and if you read so far... LOVE TO YA'LL!!

#2 13 Oct, 2011 15:57:00


Thanks for the presentation and for your Red Rainbow comic, I like the style you have !!

Where are you from ? Latino country like Portugal or Spain right smile ?

Welcome here wink

#3 14 Oct, 2011 19:41:13


Nice, I think I'll read it ^^

Want some help to translate your comic in French? smile

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