
#1 18 Oct, 2011 10:45:08


Hi, I'm I. Dias and I'm the author of Orium Caspium.
I'm putting here a little info to help the readers to have a slight idea what is behind the story. I'll only focusing on the characters and events of the small part of the saga that will be published here, to not make this topic too boring.

-The Infinity
The Infinity are the Creator's creatures. Most of them have the same name and some characteristics from Gods and creatures form the mythology.

-The God and the Demon, page 4, Stained Glass
The image shows clearly two characters, a strange angel and a demon, clearly a different way to show the battle between Good and Evil. The Stained Glass is showing the leaders of the battle that took place on Terra 3000 years ago, the Infinity Mikael and the Abyss Demon Oktron.
Mikael has his own story (a sort of a biography). I tend to represent him with a tail, because that tail is one of his unique marks (every angel I created has some unique physical characteristic). Mikael symbolizes the Infinity's leadership. In Orium Caspium, he's venerated as god in Angelus.
Oktron is a sample of a demon that transcends evil. I really can't talk about the Abyss' demons since it's a spoiler.

- Mikael
The God of Angelus, leader of the Infinity's army. He died while closing the Gate to Eternia, 3000 years ago. He has a pair of wings, a tail and seven Holy Halos.

-Elves and ninjas
Naru is an halfling. I wanted to create different Elf from those images everyone created in stories like the Lord of the Rings. In literature, elves are represented as scouts or wizards. Naru is a scout type, and has some oriental features. His father was an human ninja and his mother was an elf in her last years. So, despite of having a neutral position on the whole story, he shares both characteristics, magic and kunais.

- The Fairy-Elf (second chapter)
The Fairy-Elf are creatures that look like regular elves, but are a little shorter than the main species (that are average human-size) and has the ability to make appear fairy-type wings on their back. Most of them are summoners.

- Dragons (second chapter)
Dragon Type Infinity shapes and colours differ accordingly to their elements. Usually they are mamals and not lizards like in most mythological representations. This is related to the fact they have human and Hybrid form.

- Bahamut
The God of Izumo and an Air/Fire type. He was meant to have the name Ba'al (a Babylonian God), but I changed his name accordingly to his background story.

I hope this will help you a little in making a more specific analisis of this story.

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