Here are advices and methods I've written for french artists... so I'm writing it now in english to make sure everyone has access to the same advantages in this competition .
This advices are "non-art related". It's not about your drawing techniques, your scenarios habits...
It is about "community management - simple webcomic marketing".
These are proven techniques.
They might sound very basic, but few people are doing them ALL.
Here we go .
your cover must be attractive ! It must stand out in the middle of the others. So a black and white cover with difficult-to-understand details will be less attractive that a simple flashy coloured cover .
put a nice, simple yet interesting description in english. If you don't write anything, the description will remain empty and will not attract readers.
comment the comics of the other artists. 1st because they're part of the community and your meaningfull artistic feedbacks will be appreciated and can help them improve. 2nd because commenting their art will attract their attention on YOUR comic too, and they will probably give YOU meaningfull feedbacks !!! 3rd because they also have a voting power they could use on your comic if they like it .
reply to ALL your comments. One by one. Quickly. And be nice, gentle, appreciate good and negative feedbacks from readers for what they are. Avoid conflicts, incitate people to participate to conversations in the comments. Start every page you publish with a meaningfull "author comment" that will explain what you felt doing the page, or how you feel publishing it. Anything meaningfull and/or funny
speak about your comic to your friends, ask the support from readers on blogs, message boards, facebook. Do it nicely and cleanly, be creative and fun, and you'll get amazing support. The current N°1 comic made a special strip in french http://lapinettortue.blogspot.com/2011/ … ez-de.html > even if you don't read french you'll understand everything. This is properly cool and you want to vote for him now, don't you ?
translate your comic in as many languages as possible. Make a "for translation" version so your comic can be translated by the french community. 60% of the members are french ! That means that 40% are speaking english... but if you publish ONLY in english, you're missing something important . And I assure you that there is a LOT of french member that want to translate you
be patient ! Be brave ! Be tough ! The road is long and with lots of embushes !!!
use all the tools Amilova is giving you ! Message board, comments, translations, private messages... we're giving quite a lot of tools to help you become famous... we leave the rest up to you .
Feel free to use these or not .
It is not mandatory, it is just "recommended".
Hope it will be usefull to some of you .
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"The current N°1 comic made a special strip in french http://lapinettortue.blogspot.com/2011/ … ez-de.html > even if you don't read french you'll understand everything. This is properly cool and you want to vote for him now, don't you smile ?"
Crap! it´s a great idea! Humm... No doubt that a humour strip has more fans than a mistery comic xD... (if I had done for the competition lukard comic probably i would have more votes... xD).
Thank you Troy for your advices! I will try to do a publicity of my comic in facebook... But I´m really amateur on these things xD
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
@johandark, I think people mostly fall for humour. It's what we all need, more or less
But I'd like the mystery genre to be center of attention too, of course ~
Anyway, I'm reeeally reaally begining to think about a coloured cover of "Bird". My current one doesn't pop out:
but I like it in b&w so muuuuuuuuch! And honestly, I really can't see it in colour. It just doesn't fit the story.
What do you think, guys?
don´t do an arcoiris... just use one chromatic colors.. really pale colors... hot colors or cold colors.. whatever you prefer...
I put examples that i think could fit... ^^ (about the idea of puting a rare atmosphere)
what do you think? ^^
編集者 johandark (04 Nov, 2011 20:49:45)
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
Woww, awesome pics I could give it a try, won't use too vivid colours.
Tomorrow, I may post some samples
Here's what I did. I think I like the last one.
your images are not visible...
you have to put [img]link_of_the_image[/img]
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
I like the blue one Looks very nice, but you have to decide what the mood of the cover is.
In the blue one, the light is coming from her behind, which more or less indicates that something is happening behind her, and puts some mystery in the scene, whereas in the yellowish cover, the light comes in the front, and she is looking up like expecting something. At least that's how I see it So just decide what kind of mood you want to bring to people when they see the cover, because the cover is a representation more or less of the comics itself
As for the colors, I really love the blue one, and I also enjoy mystery so even more the reason for me to enjoy it so much
@johandark -
@Toh - Thanks! Well, smth happening behind her/ expecting something both work for me. I like the blue one too, but it's mood is maybe a bit too dark.
I don't know, I need more opinions XD I might take this to the french forum
Thanks for the help!
編集者 CrashBoomBang (06 Nov, 2011 13:09:21)
The good thing of the blue one is not just the color... Is the shadows... The girls is expecting for something behind her. being the girl in more darkness give more interest to the title that is the real importance of the cover.
You should try different colors but with same shadows. But blue colors make cold tones.. so I think is right by this way...
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
Thanks for the advice! Gonna try out some more like these, maybe I'll make a new lineart too.
For your cover, give us the choice between 2 or 3 so we can give some hints about what's cool and what's not .
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