
#1 27 Oct, 2011 09:30:43


Who the hell needs dying!

Those who have committed crimes in this world shall move on to Gehenna in the next...

And there, in the nether depths of Hell the band SPREE★KILLER, all dressed in black, indulge in fame, unrivaled popularity and the favor of the King of Hell himself, Mephisto!

But the time has come for the young guitarist Alex to lead the band back from the abyss, up towards the surface, towards Chaos!

They rise up in revenge against that abhorrent world which has rejected its own self!

And now the maddening melodies of the sorrowful revenants echo throughout!

                                                                   ★ ★ ★

SPREE★KILLER comes to you courtesy of professional manga artist ★nakiringo★ and is currently being serialized in COMICBOXjunior. The first two chapters of the work have been kindly made available for free on the author's own website ★TWOLOVERS★
For the whole story you may want to purchase the first volume of SPREE★KILLER which is out now and also available via the author's website. Unfortunately, only in Japanese.

If there is anything you would like to ask the author or simply leave a few well-deserved words of accolade please feel free to post your thoughts in this topic.

~ Admin ♫ English board moderator ♥ Author of  Ckazka   Lord of the Stars  Hewuxia ♪☼ ☻ ☺

#2 27 Oct, 2011 19:06:37


Nice presentation! Welcome on the forum smile

On est sur un forum, pas sur votre portable! Votre clavier possède plus de 100 touches!

Language SMS interdit!

#3 28 Oct, 2011 12:35:55


Very cool presentation ★ ★... and excellent manga   ★ ★ ★

here's the start btw smile
http://www.amilova.com/en/comics-manga/ … iller.html


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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