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#1 02 Nov, 2011 22:01:40


Hi dear friends of comunity! I search in internet for a useful tool for drawing, and I find the best, I think????? Wacon Cintiq 24 full HD, have anyone with that??? and have a better tool??? I dont no, and don´t find .... please tell me your feedback to help me buy a good tool...

Thanks ;p

#2 03 Nov, 2011 00:28:29


I use this one on Mac 4859353249_bd100d3f39.jpg

this is a showvideo: … 20Pen.aspx

It work me really well... and it´s not really expensive. … B002OOWC3S

I hope it could help you wink

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#3 03 Nov, 2011 12:31:32


I present to you the master tool: smile But seriously I never got used to drawing with a tablet and im drawing with pencil and a pen but smile Appart from that here very good things about Wacom Cintiq 24 full HD.

#4 03 Nov, 2011 14:06:25


Hi Mart! Yeah  I heard to very good thinks about Wacon cintiq 24 full Hd, and he don´t have competitor in that level... well , like a said... I think...I don´t find... I like drawing with a pen and a pencil too, well is not equal of yours smile, but I want more, and with that thing,  the cartoon is much better, because the same effects with colour. smile

Thanks so much for your feedback

#5 03 Nov, 2011 14:18:40


Hi johandark, I heard about that, and I no is a good tool to!  drawing in a tablet is strange for me ... sad , by tha way is a habit, in that seach I find that thing, Wacon CIntiq 24 Hd is the bigger and most recently tool for drawing, yeah is very expensive! I know it´s a big problem... sad I want buy something real good, for later I don´t repent ... your idea is in my though...

Thanks so much for your feedback

#6 03 Nov, 2011 16:08:04

Robot Panda

Well, the Cintiq is really unmatched when it comes to graphic tablets, with its display (main feature that makes it good, I wonder if you can use it to play FPS games with it, that will rock big_smile ) but it is way too expensive, if you're not going to put it to work some serious pro work and make money off using it, it is not worth the money. The majority of digital works you see on the web are made using "normal" tablets, that are much cheaper and do the same work.
I'd recommend you a Genius tablet if you're new to this type of things. They are relatively cheap (last time I checked - 12 times cheaper than equal Wacom tablets, and the quality is comparable), and really, really good (I've been using one for 5 years now, it still hasn't broken down even once). If you care about fancy design of the tech - go Wacom, they are more stylish big_smile

With tablets you need a few weeks of struggle to get used to the feel, I know it is weird at first, but it is something that all can get used to with practice. It took me 2 weeks of mostly annoyance and getting frustrated because I couldn't create a thing, but after that I got used to using it and now it is fine xD

#7 04 Nov, 2011 19:25:22


Thanks for your feedback! is gald to me! ;p

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