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#1 15 Nov, 2011 15:58:17


Hello everybody! smile

  Well do you vistid my bd? smile if yes, thank for your visited! if you not, cross there and if you can leave a message smile it´s important to know what you think ;P
  Do you like a crazy history with so much color eheee! it´s "Give me some love!" tell us a crazy story about Lovewith,their fans and the great turning point in your life!
     Lovewith it`s a girl who work in a magazine for mens "What the mens want!", in the end of magazine have some pages dedicaded to the readers, so they can share their problems, and she is the person who helps them solve the problems of their lives!. Over these five years Lovewith won huge fans! which often brings big problems at the level of privacy, but it was going all within normal, But she falls in love with your co-worker, Jazzi,  the big problems start when Eduardo (EddY) obsessed with Lovewith, realize then that the chances of winning his love loosened because Lovewith is in love with another! After many maners to conquer and  separate  Jazzi of Lovewith, he finaly undestand that LOvewith wants noyhing to do with it, is when he realizes he must take drastic measures! Eddy decides to summon a powerful demon and make a pact with him...
Well if my bd continue the site can read the rest, because everything will change from here ... XD

Well I hope you enjoy and above all have fun! smile

#2 15 Nov, 2011 16:02:17


Here is the link to be easier: … ge-23.html

Enjoy lol! wink

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