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#1 15 Nov, 2011 20:47:58


Hello everybody! smile

I think is time to introduce myself in the dark side of the forum.... What? The english part of the forum is not the dark side? Really! Cool! smile

So, i'm abby19.
I'm a french student who make her studies in Netherland to improver her level of english! (Yes, huge mix of culture! ^^)

What can I say more about me...? Err..
I love amilova and the amilover's community! I like reading novels and comics, of course! And writting shorts stories!

Oh, yes! I'm one of the translator from French to English! smile
I translate a lots of comics : 'La marque' (with Monsieur Rien), 'Duo des étoiles', 'Imperfect' (with Pehesse), 'Border of the Black hole', 'Joker', 'My destiny', 'Sasori' and that's all!
So if you think that the translation is a piece of sh*t... It's because of me! So tell me if I made mistakes, because I'm not a pure english woman! smile

Is you have some question, please, ask! Here or by PM! smile

"Un baiser ça peut être mortel si on y met tout son cœur" Batman, le défi
"La vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue si on ne la vit pas comme un rêve" Le monde ne suffit pas

#2 16 Nov, 2011 09:24:46

Robot Panda

Welcome! Nice to see you around here and I hope you enjoy your stay tongue

#3 16 Nov, 2011 19:43:16


You are just Incredible!! and your translations are awesome! (well in fact i have no idea because I don´t understand french... but i´m sure they rock!) xD

This page without you would not be the same!

Thanks abby19!! wink Hope to see you next year in flesh and meat ^^

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 17 Nov, 2011 09:39:50


Thanks a lot for your welcome! smile

And for my translations, I just do a little bit of English-french with Arkham... But the major part of my job is translation in french into english! (Less fun, but like that I practice my english! ^^)

I hope to see you too Johan! It could be great! ^^

"Un baiser ça peut être mortel si on y met tout son cœur" Batman, le défi
"La vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue si on ne la vit pas comme un rêve" Le monde ne suffit pas

#5 18 Nov, 2011 07:51:41


What are you studying in Netherland?

btw great avatar, where is it from?

#6 18 Nov, 2011 15:15:23

ceco1 さんの発言:

What are you studying in Netherland?

btw great avatar, where is it from?

I'm studying Business Logistics and Management

My avatar is from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler. The characters name is Madame Red.

"Un baiser ça peut être mortel si on y met tout son cœur" Batman, le défi
"La vie ne vaut pas la peine d'être vécue si on ne la vit pas comme un rêve" Le monde ne suffit pas

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