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#1 20 Dec, 2011 00:48:20


I decided to start an Amilova wikia feel free to edit pages as long as you don't vandalise the address is
P.s. do not add any photos until The wiki gets copy-write permission from Amilova and if you are an Admin here or become a productive member in the wikia I will make you an Admin.

#2 20 Dec, 2011 07:24:18


Thanks, that's an interesting idea wink.
With the french community we wanted to start a wikipedia page... but it's a huge project and we're far from it for now wink.

I'm looking forward to see what's gonna happen wink.


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 20 Dec, 2011 07:45:02


amilova wikia... jajaja that´s pretty amazing idea... but really a huge project ^^.

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

#4 21 Dec, 2011 18:27:58


Wow, I'm really impressed! But it's a very big thing and it needs a lot of devotion and time. So in the long run you will need help from the others. But I wish you good luck by creating this epic project wink

#5 23 Dec, 2011 02:39:10


@TroyB: I hope you're Wikipedia project goes well, have you made a start on it?
@johandark & @DrugOn: yeah I know it's a pretty big project and I definitely can't do it on my own plus I have exams soon and don't have allot of free time

#6 26 Dec, 2011 22:11:09


That sounds fun. I wish you success.

#7 31 Dec, 2011 20:36:46

sunpath さんの発言:

That sounds fun. I wish you success.

Thnx man

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