
#1 27 Dec, 2011 13:08:41


1°)I want to be a translator! How can I do it?
Welcome aboard! Before translating, I recommend you to look at the videos done by Troy. you can create a topic (while it has not been created in the forum) and to wonder ^^.



Amilova Channel in Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MissAmilova

2°)Is it possible for the translators (without being the author or one of its collaborators) to move the position of the dialogue bubble?
. You can send a message to the author and warn him if the dialogue bubbles are placed badly but you cannot do it by yourself. To be able to move the dialogue bubbles without be the author you must have permissions of "General translator" (you have the power to move, add and change dialogues balloons into ALL the cómics). make good translations, demonstrate seriouses and responsibilities and with the time you will obtain it!

3°)Is it possible for the translators (without being the author or one of its collaborators) to raise a page with the dialogues in blanck?
No , it is not possible
. Nevertheless, the author can include you as publishing and this way to manage to raise the white sheets to translate.

4°)Is there any tutorial for the authors can raise pages with text in blank so that they are available for the translation?
. In Amilova Channel you have many tutorials and interesting information.

5°) is there any On-line translator who helps me with the translations?
Personally I recommend http://www.online-translator.com/.

I will be updating the F.A.Q. as more doubts and consultations appear.

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