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#1 05 Jan, 2012 21:16:04


Orium Caspium out of Competition and the Website (to be completely redone)

Because of some personal reasons I'll take off Orium Caspium (The Seal) from competition and also from Amilova.
I was intended to present a 55 page book showing a little of the main story, but I'm stuck on the 2nd chapter right know because I'm making at the same time two more stories (these ones shorter than this particular one).
I won't leave Amilova as a reader and I'll put a complete story later this year (it was already finished but I gave to one person to read it and she came out with some usefull ideas, so I'll have to modify a couple of pages and add some new ones before my drawing style is changed).
About The Seal part of Orium Caspium, thanks so much for the feedback and suggestions, in the vesrion I'll intend to publish, I'll add the action scene that were erased from the first chapter and was a part of the 1999 original one, so the whole first chapter will be a little different.

The new Orium Caspium (short) Stories won't be related to The Seal and can be followed by anyone.
The first one, "The Black Spirit" (the story I'm rewriting) will be a Valhalla Magic Spin-off. I wrote the story in order to explain how Orium Caspium's Infinity works on their regular missions and has as protagonists two of the most important Infinity from the saga that don't appear on the Seal. You'll also meet Maya, one of the archangels that went to work in the planet Valhalla.
Thanks for everything and I hope to give a better story next time. I'll write here some news related to the saga as sonn as the first half of The Black Spirit is done. Sorry for the inconvinience, but I have to give more time to my own projects (3 at the time, including the complete version of The Seal).
Next time I'll go to Amilova competition it'll be with an aleready complete and reviewed story to avoid the problems I had to face in this one.
I'll follow the mangas I'm reading and I wish at least some of my favourites will be published (what is too difficult to happen at this time of the competition).

One more time thanks, everyone!
Good luck!

#2 06 Jan, 2012 00:08:16


OKI! good luck! and if you tell is the better ok!!! We wont the better! I´ll see your better version and the good job!

#3 06 Jan, 2012 10:16:11


That´s the spirit!! Good work! wink and good luck! tongue

mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM

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