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#1 24 Mar, 2012 08:32:19


Okay, proper introduction time.  My username is Seronx.  I am a gamer but when I don't play games I read comics/manga/manwha/manhua.  My particular interests are sci-fi/horror/fantasy/superpowers.  You can usually find me everywhere just search for Seronx.

編集者 seronx (24 Mar, 2012 09:02:08)

#2 26 Mar, 2012 07:41:13


A gamer that does not play games smile ? Like a Football player that hates sport, or a Priest that does not believe smile ?

Welcome among us Seronx wink.

Ah, tell us what are the comics/mangas that you like on Amilova ?


♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

#3 26 Mar, 2012 08:07:23


I play games but not very often.  The main problem is that games are in that repeat stage that is between eras. In detail, developers are making the same game over and over but just tweaking it. (Graphically and gameplay wise)

Also, Thanks for the welcome wink!

My favorite manga is Full Moon but, what got me here was Amilova.  So, you can say for now Full Moon and Amilova.  I'll get to other comics and manga after I make Full Moon readable! lol

編集者 seronx (26 Mar, 2012 08:15:47)

#4 27 Mar, 2012 11:51:45

Robot Panda

It's weird that you say that about games big_smile There are so many different games, and excluding the recent CoD games, there isn't much milking going on. Yeah, Assassin's Creed is kind of weird 4 games of pretty much the same, but it's decent sandbox game. big_smile

Try Magicka, it is totally unique in every aspect imaginable. tongue

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