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#1 06 May, 2012 12:02:33


hey there smile i'm nick author and artist of the manga Ryak-Lo
an action shonen story about the trials of a much hunted special girl and her gang of varied protectors. though this one really does blur the lines of sub-genres with all sorts from magic and swords to mechs and guns.

i've always had a big interest in manga and comics since i was little (in the later 20's now) and as such Ryak-Lo, i think is a bit of a blend of the two. in story and presentation.
The story has gone through a few rewrites but is now totally set in stone, and is accumilating a fanbase on a few other sites. which i lurrrv and really keeps me going with it.

i've always been a fan of crossovers, and started seriously posting pages online with a crossover Doujinshi DBON on deviantart a story faithfully mixing up the dragonball bleach onepiece and naruto universes. It was from here that i gained a bit of confidence and popularity on DA and decided it was time to start Ryak-Lo properly.
it's been running for 2 years straight, with page(s) everyday since. And story planned for a few more years to come.

with so many pages it took me a while to finally get submissions up-to-date here. but now it's done and events within the manga are current and ongoing

so thanks for having me big_smile and taking the time to read this. and go check out Ryak-Lo. if your a fan of shonen in general there's bound to be something in it for you smile

編集者 Taresh (06 May, 2012 12:03:30)

#2 08 May, 2012 10:02:27


wow you already pûblished nearly 600pages you're craaaaazy smile

I like what you do, welcome here smile

♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé wink.

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