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#1 12 Jul, 2011 12:10:23


Hello everybody smile

As you already know, I am the forum's English version moderator. I have the pleasure to announce you that I am the new International Community Manager. So, I will try to build a friendly and warm community for the non-French members of the site.

One of my goals is to make our wonderful Manga and Comics available in as many languages as possible. I am actually the translations coordinator. So, if you want to become an Amilova's translator or if you have a problem with translations, please feel free to contact me via PM. I am here to help you smile!

See you soon ~ ♥

編集者 fikiri (12 Jul, 2011 12:35:43)

#2 13 Jul, 2011 16:48:04


Welcome ^^

Selenn, chef modératrice forum et formatrice des modos \o/
En cas de soucis, quel qu’il soit, n'hésitez pas à me mp ^^
Un petit tour sur les règles du forum, ça ne fait pas mal wink >Ici<
Fenris et moi sommes mariées, je l'aime, elle n'aime que moi donc pas touche ! tongue

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