As you know, we're currently working on the book "Amilova Bump n°2" that will feature the comics of the TOP15 of the cartoonist competition !!!
If you don't remember what I'm talking about, if you want to check who is in the top15, here's the news
GogetaJr is currently working on the cover of this new book !
When the art is done, Robot-Panda will add the colors.
And then... we'll continue working on putting together all these nice comics and prepare the publication... that will be presented in Paris at the Japan-Expo !
Hope you'll like these artworks !
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Here are the first color tests by Robot Panda .
Hopin that you'll like it, we wish you a nice week start !
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All colors are great... But probably the first one is the most similar to the 1rst amilova BUMP... xD Great cover!
mysteries, ghosts, undead, horror, religion, blood, sex, and of course ... humor!---------- ARKHAM
probably the first one is the most similar to the 1rst amilova BUMP... xD Great cover!
Yes you're totally right . It would be more coherent in a "collection" idea
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Oh, don't worry, the title will be there in the printed version
And here's the back-cover with some more guests
Enjoy .
♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé .