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Hi there, I found this website a loooooong time ago, I believe in 2013 or so, and I uploaded 'The Steam Dragon Express' and 'Crimson Game'.
I then forgot about it, and when I returned, I was featured on the front page with both of my comics, as one of the top creators.
Wow what the hell.
So I guess... Hello there, Amilova. How're you lot doing? I'm Reon Merryweather.
Quality plays a major role in how well you rank on Amilova.
Quality is defined by how well you're appreciated by the community, but also by admins.
Also, competition on the english speaking community is not as fierce as it is on the french side... that is the most dynamic part of Amilova.com .
So here's your chance to get some easy visibility as long as competition is fragile on the english side of AmilovA.com
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As far as i know, you don't.
When you upload your page, you created a forum post related to your series and request aid in translating.
But it has more to do with luck, just a person with freetime on it's hand and likes your series enough to translate it.
If you really want your page translated in french i suggest you translate your cover in french.
It gives a hint "this can be translated guys"
When i translate a new chapter of Hemisphere or dragon bros z in dutch i can't do that.
I have to go to page one of the chapter in French or English translate this page, go to dutch and translate there.
Why do i do that? Because i like the stories and it's an excuse to reread it.
I wish your luck on this matter, people these days really even leave comments on comic stories . Just enjoy what your doing don't be disharded.
ect, ect, bla bla i am rembling now.
i hope i made some sense.
Another way > post on the french message board that you search for a translator, and with the quality of your work I'm sure you'll get volunteers
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ページ: 1