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#1 01 Mar, 2014 16:48:56

Erein Aeternallis

First of all, I apologize in advance for those grammar errors this might have since english is not my native language. This is the presentation of the webcomic LaFT (A project in which a friend and I have been working in for months now).


LaFT is the abreviation for  Like a Fairy Tale. A manga styled shoujoish webcomic. It's a romantic comedy for the most,, a light story without intense drama, almost a parody of the cliches we commonly see in this kind of genre. We're almost done finishing the first chapter, but , since I don't want to spoil you people I'm posting the cover of this chapter.

The synopsis is like the following Samantha is an ordinary yet clumsy girl whose life turns upside down after she lost the frog of a little witch apprentice and gets cursed by her with a spell that tells she has only 10 days to make the one she likes to love her back otherwise Samantha will turn into the witch's next frog. That's just the intro for the story, but, as I stated before It's a nonsense comedy for the most part

Staff team:
Artwork and original plot: Aliz
Script, toning and edition: VampheriA (that's me tongue)

Hoping for your approval. Thank you ^^

#2 24 Mar, 2015 20:34:25


It sounds like a cool concept. I'm a writer myself, and this is pretty creative. Through the manga and webcomics I've read, I haven't seen anything like this. I'll read it when it comes out.

編集者 writer_girl (24 Mar, 2015 20:35:04)

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