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As you know this is the 9th week since our contest has started. During the contest, at least 2 new pages must be released every week. So, all the comics must have at least 28 pages by the end of this week.
Some participants haven't published enough pages, but they warned us in advance. Despite that, they must catch up on their pages uploades by Monday, December 19. If they are late more than once, we will have to disqualify them.
You will find below a summary of all the released pages.
Dragon Scream (Toh) 23/23
Let me Fly (Aline Potiron) 24/24
La meute solitaire (kei sakurada) 24/24
sheepis (Tcim) 25/25
Trick Master (edegaragostinho) 25/25
Follow me (ezysummers) 25/25
X-Class (Ikki San Gaspar) 25/25
Level 53 (Drawly) 26/26
Enemy inside (Nowaki) 26/26
Braver (Van Reigh) 26/26
Oscar Fé (H-def) 26/26
La Marque (stelli) 26/26
The Black Doctor (Watapoku) 26/26
The Eye of Poseidon (tangra) 26/26
Haven (valdé) 26/26
Itai Tenshi (Y-Mangaka) 26/27
Irène et les Heimdalls (Reen et Aka) 26/32
Joker (NaNa Sakaru) 27/27
Blind Connection (Kiriel) 27/27
WAW (World At War) (darkpiwo) 27/27
Mink (NanaJ) 27/27
Je reconstruirai ton monde (misscania) 27/27
Last Time (Kazet) 28/28
La Légende des Dragons (Oddeyes) 28/29
Lapin et Tortue (Ibi) 28/30
The God and the Player (lauramma) 28/28
Daëlites (Len) 28/28
Trois Mousquetaires (El Jerko) 28/28
Elysia (hayard) 28/28
Orium Caspium (IDias) 28/28
Level UP ! (Krayon) 28/28
La Danse d'Alinoë (Aramis) 28/28
Psyché (*marianne*) 28/28
Cat's Girls - Tome spécial (Aure-magik) 28/28
La bande de losers et Dieu (wayne) 28/28
Moon Chronicles (ivy-mitsuno) 28/30
My Destiny (Chibi Dam'z) 28/34
Aux origines de la vie animale (yhann35) 29/40
Retro Futur (Akioh) 29/29
Mon coeur ne bat que pour toi (Oizofu) 29/29
Fruits perdus (lostfruty) 30/30
Bird (CrashBoomBang) 30/30
Give me some love! (babee) 31/31
Zack et les anges de la route (sebynosaure) 31/31
Momo ma jolie mélodie (Momonem) 31/31
Psychomantium (Eskhar) 32/35
Le Fil Rouge (Linoa) 32/32
Cupidon Boy (Adou Fisch) 34/34
Dirty cosmos (Alvinator) 34/34
Fireworks Detective (Art-of-Kawaii) 35/35
Vis ma vie de rêve (roro318) 35/35
Sasori (Ruleslemanga) 36/36
Junk Story (Desdemond) 37/45
Réflexions Affligeantes (Mariko) 39/39
Blog et Méchant (BlogEtMéchant) 39/39
Traces (Esteryn) 39/39
Love & Business (sya) 39/39
Nolan (stephane censi) 40/41
KAMO Mystère noir (Michaël) 42/42
Sweet (lolo78014) 43/43
Mannheim (Strawberry) 44/44
Jack & The Beanstalk (higan) 47/47
Imperfect (Kinkgirl) 48/57
Duo des étoiles (shéra) 49/49
Nomya (Alex Xaysena) 52/54
Apple strength (bloodyAKI) 54/54
Androïde (Mzanie) 55/111
Battle Saga (Alvinator) 58/58
HELLSHLING (Mariko) 59/59
Aux Armes (Marialexie) 59/78
Etat des lieux (Monsieur To) 60/60
Ashell (Pehesse) 63/104
Aka-chan (pandaka) 63/73
Dark Eagle (stephane censi) 64/75
L'amour n'a pas d'âge ! (Asura Hikari) 67/67
Food Attack (A.C.Puig) 70/73
Yokai Yokai (mbuma) 73/94
ARKHAM (johandark) 93/104
Bishop's Normal Adventures (Biishop) 98/99
Full Moon (Blood Wolf) 107/108
Only Two (Jérôme) 123/126
Mythes et Légendes (Miss-M) 151/168
Coeur d'Aigle (nynadp) 236/241
SethXFaye (Keiden) 248/259
Human Puppets (Vavanemo) 353/377
***2 authors have withdrawn from the contest for personal reasons: studio.takoyaki (Run 8) and Monsieur Rien (Dinoman). But we hope that they will continue to publish on Amilova
***4 comics are disqualified from competition because their authors haven't uploaded two pages per week: Bounty Hunter Gorak (Gorak), Nevermore (Estherrulez), Angels' Judgment (Nooey) and CLAY (NINONetRIIE). Of course, the authors could upload the rest of the series at Amilova without participating in the contest.
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