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Okay so I was forced to write an introduction but I really kinda sort of never know what to say, really. XD
But I guess that's it for my lurking secretly around..
I've never been one to write something long and complicated and in my high-school essays I was always accused of being a "straight to the point" person (which I seem to be only when writing is involved, haha).
Not surprisingly, I like short simple stories though I can be "caught" cheering for some never ending soap opera from time to time..well, everybody's got a guilty pleasure or two...
I've been involved in Bulgaria's manga community for some time now and if you've attended any event here in the last 5 years, chances are we've met and even talked Now, I am more concentrated on supporting manga and comics authors by teaching or doing workshops. I believe a lot in the power of people with similar passions coming together and learning from each other rather than in my own abilities. Which yeah, takes us to the point:
I do comics..or manga, use whichever you prefer. You can check my work out at
and maybe soon on Amilova as well?
I also like crafts, books, movies and Japanese voice actors/actresses
Nice to meet you all.
Last edited by rikae (19 Jan, 2012 11:10:46)
Well, it was about time to hear from you here.
True .
Welcome mademoiselle Rikae .
"and maybe soon on Amilova as well?"
You're welcome² for that as well разбира се !
♫ Tu veux publier ta BD sur Amilova ? Lis les instructions et envois moi un message privé .
Hi Nice to see you here, hope you enjoy your stay! It would be great if we could see your stuff here, I think it's great.
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